6 simple things you can do to stay safe around fireworks this fourth of july

Do not smoke: Smoking can lead to asthma attacks and other smoking-related illnesses.

Give pets a designated place: Make your pet's safety a priority by placing them in a safe area such as a screened porch or basement.

Stay away from fireworks: Stay at least 150 feet away from any fireworks activities and spectators to avoid injury.

Avoid alcohol use: Alcohol is impairing and will only increase the risk of injury

benifits of krill oil for kids

Krill oil comes from krill, tiny shrimp-like creatures that live in very cold ocean waters. Studies show that krill oil might have health benefits similar to those of fish oil. some studies indicate that the fatty acid DHA may benefit a developing child’s brain, krill oil is sometimes taken by pregnant women or given to children

Vitamin K2 benefits you might not know about

  Bone health Vitamin K2 is a vitamin that helps maintain bone health. It was traditionally associated with the presence of blood clotting ...